MAY 2020

APRIL 2020

September 2019

RYT 200

I am on a mission to help the world be well again. To be whole again, and most importantly, to love again. A mission to help elevate all lives and raise the consciousness of our world, collectively. Sure individually we can rise, but together, I can’t help but wonder ...

October 2019

Level Fitness Pelham

Yoga Instructor



I began doing yoga back in 2015 when I found myself going through an isolated period in my life. What’s the one practice you can do where you need absolutely no equipment, no team, no field? Just yourself? Yoga. And that’s how it all began! I simply began getting up every morning and moving to the rhythm of my own breath. Connecting to my breath & body, I began unlocking parts of myself I had never knew. I began to love the person I was becoming and knew I had found something special with this. I found a way to meet me and unmeet all the parts of me that weren’t. It was the most liberating feeling ever. I quickly noticed a shift in the way I related to people and the world around me. I had so much love and gratitude bursting from my heart that I needed to share it. I was happy and I wanted others to know just what that felt like too! I wanted to share this experience with everyone in need, I just didn’t know exactly how to yet.

After a few years of trying to lead a conventional and practical life, I began realizing my passion was in making people happy, and that a conventional job just wasn’t cutting it for me. I was losing myself and losing my happy that I had worked so hard to find and cultivate. So for the first time ever, I took a huge leap of faith, dropped EVERYTHING and went to go find my happy. I found myself in Bali, Indonesia where I would train to be a yoga teacher and remind myself what my true passion was. After my journey, I returned home a certified 200hr RYT. Ready to continue my mission!


JUNE 2020

Hello Friend!

Thank you for visiting HEAL YOGA, my labor of love and passion. I created this movement in hopes to inspire a world in pain to heal and reach its highest good, collectively. I begin this journey in 2017. Only 21 years old at the time, I knew I wanted to save the world. To many people, that dream sounded naive, to many it sounded impossible. But, I believed I could. So I went for it.

What started as a dream to help people find their happy, a mission was born. Overtime it became more clear than ever, OUR world needs help! And for far too long I felt helpless. I knew I needed to do something, but in MY way. But how?

By bringing people together, by spreading Love and Light, learned through harmony and healing. So, I made it my mission to do just that. HEAL. I began to help in the best way I knew how, by creating a safe place, welcoming all to come and do just that. I do my part everyday by spreading hope, love and light, and that is how HEAL YOGA came about. A yoga practice centered around Helping Elevate All Lives. Will you join the movement?

Can we get much higher?

February 2020

Fit Body Boot Camp

November 2019

Core Fitness Eastchster

January 2020

WorkWell NYC

Where am I now?

JULY 2020

As for HEAL YOGA, I will continue to spread my message. I don’t know if I could ever stop a war, or change the world. But I want to try. I hope to start a movement. A movement to raise the consciousness of man kind, collectively. Together we can raise the vibration of our world, making it a better place for all. A place where people can feel safe to find their happy and reach their highest good.